We are proud to partner with Shalom Small Homes to provide affordable living to seniors in our community.

Approximately 30% of those over 55 suffer from an increasing inability to meet the rental costs of their homes, which they have lived in for years. Shalom Small Homes Kemptville desires to relieve poverty by building sustainable small homes that will provide residential accommodation below market rate for people over 55 years of age who are in need. This will be provided on the basis of affordable long-term rental agreements. This project will be achieved through the involvement of Kemptville and surrounding communities The houses will be built with the help of volunteers from the community. Materials and the cost of materials will be raised through individuals and businesses who share the same Mission as SSH.

Partnering with House of Lazarus

House of Lazarus has worked for many years in this community to ensure that people have the basics of life. Their food bank and outreach programs offer food, clothing, household goods, furniture and housing support to those in need.  Shalom Small Homes Kemptville is committed to providing some affordable housing for those in need.  We desire to work together, to share information, to learn from each other and to live out our missions as neighbours helping neighbours in partnership with one another.

Updates as of December 2024

The first four houses of Shalom Small Homes have officially been completed, and the tenants have moved in! Click the button below to see a video of the completed houses.

Next Steps

36 more homes need to be built in order to meet the needs of seniors who are struggling in the North Grenville area. To find out more or to learn ways to help out, click the link below.