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If you or someone you know is in need of help, reach out to us today.


Follow the progress of the new location of our food bank and furniture store. 


Your donation will help community members get the resources they need.

Recent News & Events

Shalom Small Homes Kemptville

House of Lazarus has worked for many years in this community to ensure that people have the basics of life. Their food bank and outreach programs offer food, clothing, household goods, furniture and housing support to those in need.  Shalom Small Homes Kemptville is committed to providing some affordable housing for those in need.  We desire to work together, to share information, to learn from each other and to live out our missions as neighbours helping neighbours in partnership with one another.

Every Moment Counts

Served through Outreach Programs
Lbs of produce from Giving Garden
People fed through Food Bank
Volunteers who help run the show
People given clothing
Suppers served at Dinner on the House

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